Sticks and Stones

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”-Ephesians 4:29

This has been a verse that I have remembered since my very first year of YFN back in 2005. Whoever the speaker was wanted us to remember it very well so he would always yell “What time is it?” & everyone would yell back “4:29!” Guess it’s a good thing it wasn’t 4:20 or that would just be terrible. Where I’m at in my life right now and with everything that has happened, I have had this verse on my mind a lot. I don’t always “follow” this rule, but recently I have been reminded of how important words are and how much they can affect a person.

I have had to say goodbye to a person in my life that I never thought or hoped I would have had to say goodbye to. Sometimes goodbyes are just a “see you later” and sometimes they are actual goodbyes. I firmly believe that if someone is in your life and is harmful to you in any way (emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically) then you need to make the decision to say goodbye to them. They no longer need to be apart of your life. Saying goodbye to people who have been in your life for a long time is one of the hardest choices to make. I shed a lot of tears over this decision, my heart physically hurt trying to decide what was best for me in the long run. I do not take the decision of “kicking someone out of your life” lightly whatsoever, but you MUST do what is best for you as a person. YOU HAVE TO. I have only had to make that decision one other time in my life. I know I started out this post with a bible verse about only saying what is helpful for building others up, and I hope whoever reads this will be built up by what I am about to say.

What I’m about to say is very important, and not just to me, but I believe it’s important to anyone feeling the same way I’ve been feeling. I have had things said TO me that have affected me in so many ways. Because of what has been said to me and the way it affected me, I have told myself that I will never let anyone speak to me that way again. I will never let anyone’s words affect me the same way. I will never allow myself to get close enough to anyone that their words and the things they say to me can hurt me like that again. Harsh, right? Well, lucky for me, that point of view has changed. Maybe not completely, but it’s not as strong. Today I took a “me” trip. I hopped in my car and drove. I ended up in Ft Smith, AR. I found a local coffee shop and ate the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had (they made it with garlic bread!!!!!!!) and then did a little hiking. It was incredibly relaxing to get outside and away from everything that reminds me of the hurt I’ve been put through these last few weeks. The whole time I was there I had Kesha’s new song “Praying” playing on repeat pretty much the entire time I was there and the whole way back in my car. If you haven’t listened to this song yet, it’s very good and very fitting for my current situation. It might mean something different to someone else, but for me it’s a song about letting go. There’s a lot of things to be said, a lot of things that have been said, and though not everyone may know the actual truth, you gotta let it go. There is no reason to try and explain yourself to anyone that doesn’t know the whole situation or doesn’t really care to understand. People will only believe/understand what they want and that’s okay. Don’t waste your breath trying to explain something over and over again, it will do you no good.

They can hurt or they can help. They can make your day great or they can make it terrible.

One of the lines in Kesha’s song says “After everything you’ve done, I can thank you for how strong I have become.” & I whole heartedly believe this line. I think and feel like I have become a stronger person from this and it has showed. Making the decision to not have someone apart of you life anymore is one of the strongest decisions you can make, and if you don’t believe me then you try telling someone who has been in your life for a long time and had a significant impact on your life they can’t be in it anymore, you’ll make yourself sick from how much it sucks. I will end with this, sometimes you have to say goodbye. You might not want to, but you have to do what is best for you. Don’t hold onto what keeps hurting you.


Well, you almost had me fooled
Told me that I was nothing without you
Oh, and after everything you've done
I can thank you for how strong I have become

'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
And we both know all the truth I could tell
I'll just say this is I wish you farewell

I hope you're somewhere praying, praying
I hope your soul is changing, changing
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, praying

I'm proud of who I am
No more monsters, I can breathe again
And you said that I was done
Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come

'Cause I can make it on my own
And I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known
I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain
When I'm finished, they won't even know your name

You brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
And we both know all the truth I could tell
I'll just say this is I wish you farewell

I hope you're somewhere praying, praying
I hope your soul is changing, changing
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, praying

Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night
Oh, someday, maybe you'll see the light
Oh, some say, in life you gonna get what you give
But some things, only God can forgive

I hope you're somewhere praying, praying
I hope your soul is changing, changing
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, praying


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