I want to like you, but it's not that easy.

Today I treated myself to a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks (I got a pretty little red cup with a reindeer on it for all you peeps that threw a hissy fit over some stupid cups last year). The pumpkin spice latte was much needed. Mondays...I hate them. People...not fond of them either. Then you combine Mondays, people, a busted lip (let's not talk about how that happened), and trying to give good customer service...UGH.

A lot of people don't know that I AM NOT A PEOPLE PERSON. People assume that I am, and I am to a certain degree, but most of the time I don't want to be around people, talk to people, look at people (I rarely ever make eye contact...mostly cause it's awkward), etc. My parents usually disagree with me on this, but apparently people just don't get it. I have my small circle of people that I enjoy being around, and it's very small. I would't say that I hate people...I hate being around people. I don't like having to make conversation with others, gives me anxiety. If you're in my circle, you're good. I can talk to you all day long. If you're friends with someone in my circle or related to them, you're pretty much good too. I'm terrible at making conversation at my job, I have the same response for everyone in the same tone. It never changes. It's partially because I suck at making conversation and talking to people, but it's also because I don't really give a crap about how their day is going or any of that stuff. Yes, I know, that sounds rude. Wouldn't be the first time someone's called me that, certainly won't be the last. I just don't wanna hear your sob story while you're at my drive thru window at the bank...I don't know how to respond. Please excuse my lack of having any feelings or emotions and the fact that my face always looks like it doesn't care. I've been told I have resting bitch face, it is what it is people. Well, I've pretty much made myself look like an asshole in this blog post. Just so you know, I'm not this terrible, heartless girl that will never feel sorry for a person. If you know me, you know I have a heart (it's there, kind of hidden, but it's there lol).

Life happens. It either knocks you down and you become a wimp, or it toughens you up and you don't give a shit anymore. Or I guess there's something in the middle of those two that probably seems like a better kind of person to be. Well let's end this with something decently positive. Always be you. Embrace who you are and be yourself or whatever. I accept who I am, not gonna change for anyone. I accept that I suck at making new friends and that I have rude tendencies that make people not like me. The important thing is that I'm working on it, might have taken a couple steps backwards, but we're getting there!

Be Yourself.


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