Sad times can kick rocks.

Break ups are hard for some people. I am one of those people.

I've had 3 serious relationships in my life, or serious enough that I cared, and out of those 3 only 1 of them has been an actual healthy and good relationship. Some people can learn to be friends after they break up and some people decide to never talk to each other again and then there those that find that happy medium. I'm still learning to find the happy medium.

When my first serious relationship ended, it was hard. I was depressed. I moved away from my hometown, to a bigger city, and even though I moved closer to my family I still felt very alone. It was some of the hardest months of my life. Once I moved away, I just found it easier to pretty much never speak to my ex again. Honestly I have no hard feelings towards him, it is what it is.

When my second one ended, it was only hard for me because the guy had a kid. Heads up people, I got a thing for single dads apparently. Honestly though, the kid was cute. We got along and that was what made it so difficult.

My third and most recent this one was something else. It's a complicated story that I won't go into detail because I'll be honest (why do I keep saying that word?!) it gets a little weird. Basically...older than me by a bit with 2 kids. Difference is, I've known him and the kids for a long time. I've had a special place in my heart for those kids for so long and this only made it grow even bigger. This was my first "healthy" relationship. I say healthy meaning, he really helped bring me back to the person that I used to me. Some people that read this have other opinions, I know...I know. Those people can discuss that stuff with me in person. He really did though, he challenged me and I started seeing the person I used to be and not only did I see it, but the people closest to me did as well.

I'm not here to bash him or the ended. Whatever, life happens...sometimes we don't understand why it is the way it is. I'm still struggling to understand. I do understand this, that healing takes time. I'm still healing and it's been incredibly hard and painful. This break up has been the toughest break up I've dealt with. Ending things like that with someone you've known for so long (10 years) will take a toll on you mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. For me, I'm the person that doesn't eat well, I shut down, and I get pretty depressed. I like to say I've handled this one better than the first one (second one doesn't really count I guess), but then things like what happened last night happen. I've been staying at my parents since things ended, I don't do well by myself after events like that. I decided that I was going to stay at my house finally, I felt good enough. I had made progress, I was eating again and just felt better than I had. Then I walked into my apartment. I was there for maybe 5 minutes before I called my dad crying saying "I don't like being here." (again not bashing or anything, the break up happened in my living room though and I was reminded of...well...everything) Now all of this to say that breaks up happen and they're hard. I really look forward to the day that I can freaking blog about something good happening in my life instead of all my sad sob stories about me getting dumped. Wouldn't that be great? Geez. I do know that I'm a writer, I write my feelings down, and this is my way of getting it all out. It's unfortunate for those that read this, you're all probably thinking I'm pretty sad cause all I write about are my sad times. Sometimes it feels like my bad times are never gonna end, but I'm holding out hope still.

One thing that has truly gotten through this break up, even if it doesn't seem like it is this...he encouraged me to go back to church and because of him I joined a life group and have met some great people. I'm not alone in this break up like I felt I was before. It's still not easy, definitely not easy on my budget cause I buy crap I don't need like a brand new iPad and get more tattoos, but it helps knowing you have people to help you through it. I will end with this and maybe some lyrics. My current favorite song is 'Fierce' by Jesus Culture, I've had it on repeat for the last few days and the lyrics are so good and so true. It's really helped me through all of this and has reminded me that there is a love greater than any human on earth can give me and that is enough.

"Before I call

Before I ever cry
You answer me
From where the thunder hides
I can't outrun
This heart I'm tethered to
When every step
I collide with You

Like a tidal wave

Crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce
Like a hurricane
That I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce

You cannot fail

The only thing I've found
Is through it all
You never let me down
You don't hold back
Relentless in pursuit
At every turn
I come face to face with You

Like a tidal wave

Crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce
Like a hurricane
That I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce

You surround me

You chase me down
You seek me out
How can I be lost
When You have called me found
You chase me down
You seek me out
How can I be lost
When You have called me found
You chase me down
You seek me out
How can I be lost
When You have called me found

Like a tidal wave

Crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce
Like a hurricane
That I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
His love is fierce
Your love is fierce
You never let go
Your love is fierce
Even now You surround me
Your love is fierce
Always always
His love is fierce"


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