
Showing posts from August, 2017


 I’m about to be really really honest here, more than my usual. Sometimes depression is not wanting to eat anything. Sometimes it’s not being able to sleep or not wanting to do anything except sleep. Sometimes it makes you sick. Sometimes it makes you sad all the time. Sometimes it tricks you into making you think or feel like you’re happy, but you are actually quite miserable. Sometimes it’s not being able to go back to a certain place (like your own home) because you’re constantly reminded of the memories that happened there. Sometimes it makes you feel completely numb. Sometimes it makes your minutes, hours, days, and years go by unbearably slow. Sometimes it’s really wanting to be happy and doing things that make you happy, but still not feeling any better. Sometimes it’s wanting to cry all the time. Sometimes it’s being mad. Sometimes it’s sitting in your car with music playing, but not actually thinking about anything. Sometimes it’s wanting to be completely alone and away from

Sticks and Stones

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”-Ephesians 4:29 This has been a verse that I have remembered since my very first year of YFN back in 2005. Whoever the speaker was wanted us to remember it very well so he would always yell “What time is it?” & everyone would yell back “4:29!” Guess it’s a good thing it wasn’t 4:20 or that would just be terrible. Where I’m at in my life right now and with everything that has happened, I have had this verse on my mind a lot. I don’t always “follow” this rule, but recently I have been reminded of how important words are and how much they can affect a person. I have had to say goodbye to a person in my life that I never thought or hoped I would have had to say goodbye to. Sometimes goodbyes are just a “see you later” and sometimes they are actual goodbyes. I firmly believe that if someone is in your life and is ha

Relationship Killer (I'm not a relationship genius by any means, but just trust me)

“Ah ha! Never assume, because when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME!” We as humans make assumptions all the time. Even when we don’t want to, try not, or don’t think we are…we are. That line is from 8 Simple Rules for Dating my Teenage Daughter, and it is one of those lines that has stuck with me since the first time I heard it. Anytime I hear the word ‘assume’ I automatically am reminded of that line, I usually have a real nice laugh in my head as well. Lately my life has been full of assumptions, whether it’s been on my part or someone else’s. Assumptions can kill relationships. Assumptions are just the same as unspoken expectations. You expect your friend/partner to do something and they don’t or you assume your friend/partner will do something and they don’t, same thing. The problem with unspoken expectations and assumptions is, we are always let down. I know that for me personally, I have a big problem with unspoken expectations. I don’t know why that is, because if yo

Sad times can kick rocks.

Break ups are hard for some people. I am one of those people. I've had 3 serious relationships in my life, or serious enough that I cared, and out of those 3 only 1 of them has been an actual healthy and good relationship. Some people can learn to be friends after they break up and some people decide to never talk to each other again and then there those that find that happy medium. I'm still learning to find the happy medium. When my first serious relationship ended, it was hard. I was depressed. I moved away from my hometown, to a bigger city, and even though I moved closer to my family I still felt very alone. It was some of the hardest months of my life. Once I moved away, I just found it easier to pretty much never speak to my ex again. Honestly I have no hard feelings towards him, it is what it is. When my second one ended, it was only hard for me because the guy had a kid. Heads up people, I got a thing for single dads apparently. Honestly though, the kid was