Who Are You?

Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Adopted. Writer. Learner. Impatient. Easily annoyed. Lover. Friend. Gift giver. Planner. Unorganized. Lazy. Steven Adams enthusiast. Messy. Dedicated. Hard worker. Mistake maker. Bad driver. OKC Thunder fanatic. Loud. Loyal. Photographer. Frustrated. Not great at expressing feelings. Not great at hiding facial expressions. Grumpy. Animal and baby lover.

Let's try this again. I had this whole post typed out and it deleted, so I'm currently annoyed, but here's the chance to make this even better.

All of that above...that is me, or part of me. The good, the bad, and the ugly. On Sunday the sermon was about labels. What 3 labels would you use to describe yourself? What 3 labels would you use to describe yourself to someone you've never met? I couldn't think of any at the time, I mean...c'mon...there are so many words. What kind of idea of myself do I want to give someone who doesn't know anything about me? When I finally thought of my 3 words I came up with dedicated, planner, and chosen.

•Dedicated--I like dedicated more than loyal. I'm dedicated to my family and the people I love. I will always be there for them if they need me. I'm dedicated to my job. I hate it and the people irritate the life out of me, but I'm dedicated. I show up everyday on time and do what I have to do to earn my paycheck. I'm dedicated to whatever task I'm given. If I'm in my "work mode" I'm very dedicated to whatever needs to be done.

•Planner--Hahaha. Yeah, I know. Things don't always go according to plan. Life happens and plans change. Give me a plan and stick to it, dang it! I like plans. I like knowing what to expect, when to expect it. You tell me we're going to do something at a certain time...I'm already thinking in my head what time I need to wake up, what my outfit will be, how long it will take me to get ready, what time I need to leave, how long it will take with or without traffic to get there, etc. I'm a planner, I can't help it.

•Chosen--I'm adopted, but a few years ago someone told me "You are chosen." and that has stuck with me ever since. A lot of people in the adoption world want to use positive language regarding adoption because it can be looked down on sometimes. I don't really care how you say it or what you say. Yes, I'm adopted. I know why I was adopted. I know why my mother chose the life she chose for me. There's nothing you can say or do that will make me think differently. Chosen. We are all chosen, whether you believe in God or not, we're all chosen.

So what 3 words would describe you? What words would you want to use? First impressions are always important.


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