Not all superheroes wear capes...

In 2 days...well almost 1 since I'm writing this late...I'll be turning 24. For most people their birthday is one of their favorite days. This is not to say that my birthday isn't, but it's one of the hardest days for me. Being adopted from the day I was born has been a blessing. I've never known life without the family that I have right now. I've never known what it was like to not have 3 older (very protective) big brothers. I simply could not imagine what life would be like if I didn't have my beautiful little nieces and handsome little nephew. But sometimes it's one of the hardest things for me to deal with. I've had people that I've met that are adopted and they tell me things like "Oh, I understand." or "Yeah, I get it!", but they don't. I've never met my mom, and most likely never will. Even if by some miracle I'm able to meet her, I will never be able to communicate with her. I won't even know for a fact that she is my mother unless I take some kind of DNA test. 

The older I get, the more I realize what I miss. Or...what I wish I knew. What does she look like? Sound like? Do I look like her or my father? Does my father even know that I exist 24 years later? Who do I act more like? Do I have any younger siblings? Regardless of all the unanswered questions I have and all the thoughts that run through my head, my mother will always be my hero. I will never not say that.

So, to my birth mother,
I miss you. I love you. I hope that I've made you proud. I hope that wherever you are in this world, that you are happy and healthy. I hope you know that you have made me proud to be your daughter. I pray that I am able to love my children with the same love that both of my mother's have for me. You are forever apart of me. Forever my hero. Thank you for all the people I've met, all the things I've gone through, and all the things I'm going to go through because of your decision.

PLEASE, before anyone feels the need to remind me of the wonderful family that I have here, DON'T. I know. I know that I have wonderful parents, siblings, cousins, etc. As I stated earlier, no one understands what it's like or how it feels. Even if you think you do, you probably don't.


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