I made it. You made it. We made it to 2016. There were honestly times in 2015 that I didn't think I would make it to 2016, but here I am. Writing this blog.

All I have to say is...thank goodness for people who never give up on you. I found old messages from random people that were just as relevant today as they were the day they sent them to me. I have made new friends who have made more of an impact in my life in just a few short months than people I've known my whole life. I've reconnected with so many old friends in the last few months. All of which have been the biggest blessing in this madness I call my life.

When you go through a hard time, whether it's just a short period of time or the course of a year, you find out who is there for you. The saying "you find out who your friends are" couldn't be more true. I struggled with realizing my friends...weren't my friends. They were just people I thought were my friends. It was hard, especially with what I was going through and not having anyone to talk to. Throughout this year I've not only realized how incredibly strong I am, but that the right people come into your life at the right time. Or they re-enter your life at the right time. People don't leave your life without reason. If they exit your life, they aren't supposed to be there anyways. And people don't come into or back into your life without a reason either. I'm so thankful for the people who have stuck by my side through this whole mess. The ones who have been there for me to talk to, the ones who have encouraged me to do the best things for me, and the ones who have been nothing but honest and told me what I need to hear.

2016 is my year. My year for adventures, friendships, and being true to myself. Good luck to everyone who made a New Years resolution. 2016 is gonna be a good one.


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