It's an ongoing battle.

I've been putting off today's post because I'm not really sure what to write about. One of my last posts I talked about how it gets easier for you after a break up. I'm kind of feeling like a hypocrite because this past week has been horrible for me. It has been extremely difficult trying to get used to living in a new place, working at a new job, not having any friends, and especially not talking to the one person I still want to talk to. This past week has just been full of missing everything. Missing talking to them, hanging out, and constantly thinking of what we would be doing if we were still together. I know that I shouldn't think that way because all it does it bring back memories that make moving on difficult, but this week it's been nearly impossible for me to not think about that stuff.

Everyone tells me "WE'LL get through this." but it's not their problem, not their battle. They can't help me get through any of this. Despite what some of you might think, this is something that I have to deal with on my own. People can do whatever it is they think might help me, and it might help in the moment, but the reality is that you can't help me when it comes to what I think or what is always on my mind. When you're with someone for 2 1/2 years, it's hard to get over that and all that you had. It's hard to move on and not think about them. It's hard to not look at something and think about them. This past week every single thing has reminded me of him and it's been killer. Sometimes I just wish I could hide underneath my covers till all my emotions and feelings just went away, but I know that will never happen. Luckily I'm not just sitting around sulking and eating junk food, I've actually worked out every single day for the past week and been eating right. It's the only thing that helps keep my mind from wondering and making myself a complete wreck again.

I guess this post is just a lot of nonsense and I don't have much to say because talking about all this again isn't fun, but I guess what I'm saying is don't be surprised when you slump back into feeling sad and lonely again. It happens. Just keep trying to be happy and keep trying to better yourself. I'm not giving up on being happy again, I know it will happen for me someday.


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