Heartbreak Hotel

I don't blog very often, not as much as I would like to at least. But here goes nothing, I'm going to attempt to find the time once a week to post a new blog, we'll see if I can do it ;). Most of my posts are directed towards females, and more so directed towards teen girls and such. I'm not the wisest woman and I've made my own mistakes, but if I can write something and someone reads it and takes something from it, than that's all that matters to me.

It's horrible. It's not fun and it makes you miserable. You feel like your entire world has fallen apart, everything inside of you hurts, your emotions are completely unstable, and you just have absolutely no idea what to do with yourself.

This blog post isn't an easy one to talk about, but I know that almost every girl will go through this at one point or another...and the point of this is to let every single girl out there know that life goes on. It gets better with or without a significant other by your side.

I'm speaking from experience, that life does go on. It's not easy and it does take time, but you will get better. You have to give yourself time to deal with everything that has happened, but eventually it will get easier for you. Yes, the first time you hear their name you will cry. Anytime you see anything that you did together, or you see their favorite superhero you will cry too. I can almost promise you that you will cry when you watch someone on TV cry because your emotions will be that out of whack. You'll always think about their doing, who they're hanging out with, if they miss you, etc. You'll also think that they probably don't miss you...after all they let you go, or that they've already moved on from you. It's all common and nothing out of the ordinary. I mean, we're girls, we overreact and are pretty dramatic. But like I said, it gets easier. For me, I was a mess. I literally didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to talk to people or be around them. I cried at EVERY SINGLE THING, it didn't matter what it was, I cried. I constantly thought about what happened, if it was my fault, what could have changed. I also thought how I shouldn't think about any of that because love always finds a way. Everything happens for a reason and if it's meant to be, it will be. Now I'm not holding out hope for any rekindling, and I'm not saying that you should...because lots of times once it's done, it's done. But I've finally reached the point where I'm changing things in my life, changing my outlook on life, changing how I feel about people, and I'm not even going to worry about that. Sometimes staying in your comfort zone, is the thing that is keeping you from really being happy. I'm still not holding out hope, I'm passed that and it's not even anything I care about. It's my past and I'm not looking back...just have to move forward and on with your life. If people can't keep up with you and how you change, than they don't need to be apart of your life anyways. Now I don't say any of this to sound like I don't care about that person anymore, because that's surely not the case. But I have to do what's best for me, right? I have to think about what makes me happy, and it's not just about being happy for me, it's about being healthy. When everything happened, I wasn't eating anything and I was constantly throwing up, it wasn't good for me. Now that I'm in a new place with a better state of mind, I'm feeling better, eating better, and in a lot better shape. I can't let myself constantly think of all those past feelings because I'll just make myself sick again. Don't get me wrong, I'll never forget the good memories we had together. I still think about the good times, I had some of the best times of my life with that person, but I don't think of them too often because I have to move on and stay in a good state of mind. And that's what you have to tell yourself. Hopefully I don't have to go through too many of these heartbreaks, and I'm sure it won't get easier, but maybe next time I'll be able to brace myself for the fall...


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