Curves & Imperfections

Good morning, I've decided that I'm going to try to make Sunday's my blog day, we'll see how well it goes. My first post I put up a little over a year ago explained why my blog's name is what it is and explained what type of stuff I would be posting, but since that was almost a year ago, let me reiterate. I dedicate my blog to all the young women out there going through the struggles of life. All the heartbreaks of life, all the struggles of "learning to love your body", and sometimes I'm just here to give them an encouraging word. So whatever it may be for you, hopefully you know that you're not alone on whatever it is you may be dealing with.

As I write this, I'm working up the energy to go do my workout after I get done. Today's post is about fitness, your body, and just being in shape. I'm in no place to tell you to get out there and workout and that you have to eat healthy, and blah blah blah. This is more of a do what makes you happy post I guess. If you love to workout and eat healthy, great. If you would rather get a burger and fries and go sit on the couch watching TV, no judgement here. That's what I do most of the time too. However, I am trying to get into better shape, and it's not because I want to lose weight. I would like to be in better shape so that I can feel better. I want to feel better in the clothes I wear, have a better attitude, and just not feel so sluggish all the time

Something that's changed for me personally in the last 3 months is my outlook on life. A few months ago I thought I knew where my life was headed, I thought I had it all planned out. Then, everything changed. Usually I can be a pretty grumpy, negative person. Not to say that I'm not still that person, because believe me, I have my moments. But with all the change that happened and still living in the same place, same town, surrounded by the same people, doing the same thing...I was miserable. I was completely unhappy having to see all the same things that I did and being reminded of all the good times that I had. I ended up making myself get out of my comfort zone and moving away from the town I grew up in and starting over. I've been in this new place for about 3 weeks now, and I already feel better. I didn't think it would be easy because I lived in my hometown for 21 years. (Bare with me, I'm getting to a point.) Ever since I moved I've had a better attitude and a more positive outlook on life. I'm not so much excited for what's in store for me, but I'm ready for it. Now here's my point to all this rambling...Anytime I see someone who is running, walking, or biking up here that isn't considered to be "in shape" I encourage them, even if they can't hear me. Rather than laughing because they're not "in shape" and they're out here trying to run or bike, I encourage them. They're trying to get in better shape and that's all that matters. People need encouragement, not for others to make fun of them and be rude.

I'm a pretty small thin girl. I have a fast metabolism, which means I can pretty much eat whatever I want and it doesn't show. A lot of people like to tell me things like "you're lucky, you don't have to workout" or "you're so tiny, why do you even want to workout?". Just like negative comments hurt a girl's self-esteem, comments like those can hurt too. It might not make sense to people, but they can mess with a girl. I don't need people to tell me that I'm tiny and don't need to lose weight. Maybe I'm not working out because I want to lose weight, MAYBE I want to be in better shape and feel good. MAYBE I'm not happy with the stomach I have and have set goals to get a flat stomach. You never know what a girl or guy is feeling on the inside about their body, so rather than telling people they don't need to workout or they can eat anything they want because they're so tiny, just don't. Be encouraging to people when they try to lose weight or decide to have a healthier lifestyle. Even if you don't care for it or it doesn't make sense to you, be encouraging. The less encouraging people are, the more frustrated the person that is trying to lose weight or be healthier gets, then they just give up. You don't have to encourage by trying to be healthy with them, just use your words. Most of the time it's just nice to know someone is supporting you and wants to see you reach your goals.

--I used the word encouraging a lot in this post. Guess that's my word of the day...


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