Stay positive.

It's been awhile since I've made a post. Lots of things seem to be going on in my life and in my head. Don't you hate it when you can't control anything that is going on? Whether it's plans that were made, work situations, or your emotions? Sometimes life hands us situations that are out of our control. We can't do anything about them, or the people that are involved. We can't beg for things to change, we can't do a single thing about any of it. That is literally the worst feeling in the world. You feel helpless. You feel like when things like that happen, that nothing is in your control anymore. Your emotions are completely out of whack and you don't know if you need to scream, cry, or throw up. You don't know if you're depressed, sad, mad, but you know for a fact that you aren't happy. It's not easy to go through these things, and it's for sure not easy to go through them alone. Clearly I say this from experience. It's not an experience I wish to have, nor do I ever wish this upon anyone else. But this is life. Everyone goes through tough times, heartbreaks, and change. I've never been one who dealt with change well. In fact, I've been awful at it my whole life. But sometimes you have to make a change in your life to ensure happiness in the future. You can't stay in the same spot if you're miserable and unhappy. In order to be happy and see things differently, you have to do something about it. YOU do, not anyone else.

I'm only 22 and I know life is crazy, weird, and hard. You have happy times, you have hard times. You meet people that change your life forever and the way that you see things. One thing I know for sure is even when life is hard and you're miserable, you have to keep positivity in your life. Even if it's the smallest ounce of positivity, you have to have some.

So, stay positive.


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