You're not perfect...

I am not perfect. Perfection is something that is unattainable by any human being. So, sorry to burst your bubble if you think you're perfect, or if anyone has ever told you that you were. They lied to you. You're not, not even close. We are so far from perfection it's laughable. We mess up everyday, even when we think we didn't, we probably still did. It's easy to say things like I accept my imperfections, or my flaws make me who I am. Yes, all that is true, your flaws do make you who you are today. If you didn't make mistakes and learn from them, then you would still act like a 5 year old in Walmart. But there is also a difference in changing who you are and trying to make yourself a better person. Don't understand what I'm saying? Let me explain.

If you change who you are, most of the time you're only changing to make someone like you, or to fit in. You change how you act, how you dress, and how you speak. All so that you fit in with a certain crowd. You want to be accepted by them. All that is fine, I guess, but they aren't getting to know YOU. Who YOU really are. What YOU really like. So in the end what does that really do for you? You end up confused about yourself, because you changed to "fit it".

If you try to make yourself a better person, you are accepting all your flaws and imperfections and work harder everyday to become a better person, the person God has called you to be. For instance, I'm a very impatient person, like incredibly impatient. I get so annoyed at stoplights, it's not even funny. I won't even be waiting for 10 seconds and I'm already yelling at it. I accept that I'm an impatient person, and I know that it is a flaw of mine. I'm doing my best to try and stay calm in all kinds of situation that require patience. My job requires patience, driving requires patience, my relationships with friends and family requires patience. I know that the only way to better myself is to really work on becoming more patient. I can't snap my fingers and all of a sudden I'm the most patient understanding person in the world (If I could that would be really awesome). But I can work hard to try and become that person.

See the difference? See what I'm saying? There's a difference, trust me. Learn it, love it, live it. Becoming a better person is a goal, just like having a better body is a goal for some people, it's just the same. You have to work hard everyday to have a better attitude. I am not only writing about this subject for other people, but for myself. I have to work really hard to have a good attitude, and most of the time I fail. Why? Because I am human. I do make mistakes, but I know that I want to become a better person, so I continue to work hard at it by trying my best and praying about it.

Romans 8:25
"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."
--not sure how fitting this verse actually is, but in my mind it seemed to fit, so go with it.


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