Be Wise

Some people say not to wish for high school to "fly by" because once it's gone, it's gone, and you'll miss it. I'm not one of those people, I'm glad my high school days are over. I don't miss any part of being in high school. I don't miss the homework, the fake friends, or the drama. Don't get me wrong, I'm still friends with a select few that I graduated with, but overall I don't talk to about 98% of my graduating class. Call me a terrible person for saying this, but as of this moment (obviously I have plenty of time to change my mind) I don't want to, nor do I care to, go to my high school reunion. High school wasn't a fun time for me. Freshman year was one of the hardest and worst years of my life, not just because I lost friends, but for many other reasons. I can honestly say though, that if it weren't for my English teacher and my algebra teacher, then I would have found a way to leave and go to any other school except Ardmore, I would have homeschooled myself if my parents would have let me!

Obviously being a girl, I had problems with drama and girls who weren't very trustworthy. Most girls have those problems going into high school. There's always some girl who doesn't like you because of something you said that may or may not have pertained to them. Or they don't like you because you like the same guy they like. Whatever the case may be, don't stoop to their level. Don't argue with them or say rude or catty things about them. Be a bigger, better person and ignore them. Don't start stuff on twitter, Facebook, instagram, or whatever the heck you use on the internet. I've had my share of people saying stuff about me on the internet and I've done my share of saying stuff about other people on the internet. All it does is turn into a big mess that eventually you have to clean up. One of you ends up having to apologize or you end up losing a friendship (Or you just completely hate each other if you were never really friends to begin with). What I'm saying is, don't be so immature as to start up drama on the internet, it's never a good idea. Don't let boys influence your decisions either, especially when it comes to deciding between boys or your friendships. Always keep a level head, be wise. I've been on both sides of the deal and neither one of them is a good feeling. You may have that feeling of satisfaction for a little bit, but that will fade very quickly.

I'll leave with a verse from Ephesians that has stuck with me since one of my very first years at YFN…

Ephesians 4:29

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who list."


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