
Showing posts from September, 2014

You're almost 22.

Sometimes my birthday is a fairly normal day for me. Other times it's one of the hardest, and dare I say, worst days. Being adopted is the best thing that ever happened to me. If I wasn't adopted who knows where I would be or what I would be doing. But knowing that, still doesn't make it any easier on days such as Mother's Day or my birthday. My birthday is this Wednesday (September 17), which means my mom gave me up for adoption 22 years ago. I'd give anything to meet my mom face to face one day. To know what she looks like, how she acts, and even what her voice sounds like. My mom is my hero. She is the strongest, bravest, selfless woman in my life. She is the reason I'm able to do all that I've accomplished. I also give credit to my parents, obviously still couldn't have done anything without them. But my mom wanted me to go to school and graduate high school. She wanted me to have a career and be able to be happy. With all that being said, I'm re

You're not perfect...

I am not perfect. Perfection is something that is unattainable by any human being. So, sorry to burst your bubble if you think you're perfect, or if anyone has ever told you that you were. They lied to you. You're not, not even close. We are so far from perfection it's laughable. We mess up everyday, even when we think we didn't, we probably still did. It's easy to say things like I accept my imperfections, or my flaws make me who I am. Yes, all that is true, your flaws do make you who you are today. If you didn't make mistakes and learn from them, then you would still act like a 5 year old in Walmart. But there is also a difference in changing who you are and trying to make yourself a better person. Don't understand what I'm saying? Let me explain. If you change who you are, most of the time you're only changing to make someone like you, or to fit in. You change how you act, how you dress, and how you speak. All so that you fit in with a certain cro