
Showing posts from November, 2014

It's National Adoption Month

HEYYYY, it's November. Know what that means? It's National Adoption Month. Yes, there is a month that celebrates adoption. Why shouldn't there be? We celebrate the most random things in this country, might as well celebrate something worth celebrating for once. This is obviously a very special topic to me, and for those who don't know or haven't caught on, I'm adopted. I was adopted and brought to America when I was 4 months old. I read an article a few days ago and it titled something like "16 Things You Learn As An Adopted Family", and one of the facts was "you will know what a real mom or dad is". I remember one time when I was growing up, someone told me that because I was adopted that I didn't have a real mom or dad. I also remember being corrected by my parents when I told them that. A real mom or dad aren't the people who gave you life, they're the people who take care of you when you're sick, teach you how to tie you